Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States Should Pass New Laws To Prevent...

The united states should pass new laws to prevent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens because along with degrading discrimination socially, politically, and economically through history based on sexual orientation, they face verbal abuse, and other hate crimes in every aspect of their lives which it is against the declaration of independence and constitution. Sexuality is one of the most debated issued in our current politics, followed by leading disputes raised in their communities. Which are composed of education, representation, legal regulations, health, and strategies of political action(====). Equal protection of the law is secured by the fifth and fourteenth amendment and backed by†¦show more content†¦Many more are forced to cover and fake their lives, deny their families and lie about their intimate partner just to get by. LGBT people continue to face real discrimination and there is no federal law preventing them fro being fired or denied work based on their sexual orientation. The military is notorious for their public discrimination of gays and lesbians They can lose their children for being gay or lesbian, and are even denied the right to marry in some states. In 1992 Colorado executed Amendment 2, which opposed the current state laws and blocked future laws protecting lesbians, gay men and bisexuals from discrimination. The U. S. Supreme Court case 1996 Romer v. Evans decision. We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. Which Colorado could not do. A state cannot deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. (Justice Anthony Kennedy, Majority Opinion in Romer v, Evans I) The Declaration of Independence states that; â€Å"we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that t hey are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. These words of the Declaration of Independence were written many years ago, and even so, the founding fathers believed in the importance of equality. All men are created equal, which should omit them from unnecessary discrimination .†Show MoreRelatedThe Voting Rights Act Of 1965862 Words   |  4 PagesSection 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional. The Voting Rights Act was meant to prevent historically discriminatory states from passing discriminatory voting laws. The purpose was to end racial discrimination in voting. Section 4(b) lays out the formula for which these states are selected. 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